[kj] Hosannas: what's not to like?

James Osborne rush_me_away at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 19 13:40:36 EDT 2006

I wasn't referring to the Hosannas promo...I was referring to the  Lightbringer promo...with the 5min edit of Lightbringer, an edit of  TTA, and the album version of Walking with gods...just to be clear.
  As far as I can tell they arent any different. But I've only heard the  promo album on my computer on MP3...not on my car system or anything of  the sort like I have with the retail.

TB <partyslammer at socal.rr.com> wrote:
  The Japanese cd release has Universe B as the last track.

Speaking of the promo full length cd, are the mixes or edits of any of the 
songs significantly different then the final album versions?


James "Bruce" Osborne
rush_me_away at yahoo.com
www.circlewithadot.net -> information on obscure japanese artists
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