[kj] antwerp report "petrol"
Phillipps Marc
Marc.Phillipps at enfield.nhs.uk
Tue Apr 18 05:53:34 EDT 2006
>God, so do I! Of the new songs, they aren't the best ones. And no Love
Like Blood or Darkness >Before Dawn! Those two are my favourites.
I could survive without hearing Love Like Blood again to tell the truth . .
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [SMTP:Janean.Lancaster at hopwood.ac.uk]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 10:38 AM
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject: RE: [kj] antwerp report "petrol"
> <<<<< three new songs and all the usual ones we've heard countless times.
> I hope they get their shit together before Manchester. >>>>
> God, so do I! Of the new songs, they aren't the best ones. And no Love
> Like Blood or Darkness Before Dawn! Those two are my favourites.
> Being a newbie I've only seen them once (Manchester last year) and it was
> brilliant. One of the best gigs I've been to. I hope this next one
> isn't the exact opposite.
> Cheers,
> Janean
> _____
> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]
> On Behalf Of bluce ree
> Sent: 15 April 2006 13:37
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject: Re: [kj] antwerp report "petrol"
> echoes of 2003.
> jaz stoned forgetting his words....
> geordie very drunk...
> wankers the pair of them. They do realise that people pay to see them
> right?
> three new songs and all the usual ones we've heard countless times. I
> hope they get their shit together before Manchester.
> ze king <zeking_33 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> hello gatherers,
> hear my well attended report from the antwerp gig
> set list :
> communion
> wardance
> primitive
> hosannas
> requiem
> frenzy
> majestic
> asteroid
> whiteout
> wait
> psyche
> gratitude
> complications
> pandemonium
> set played completely in one time (so no "encores")
> so far the good news....
> THE BAND ONLY ARRIVED ONE (yes : 1) HOUR BEFORE GIG TIME, with the tourbus
> .
> Local stage manager let me know they were attended by appr 3 pm and that
> they were coming from Koln (???)
> on stage Jaz was so stoned as hell; he forgot from time to time his text
> and wasn't allways in good tempo with the musicians in the beginning...a
> little shame, but that's my point of view off course...he was also always
> occupied telling the crowd that "his voice was fucked up"...
> bassist : don't shoot the pianoplayer but i didn't manage to get his
> name...sory...it was a skinhead and his gitars were very, very familiar
> with those of raven...weird...but, i must admit, he did a very good job !
> geordie was very drunk, but played very well, reza and ben as we know them
> : superb
> so if you ask me to rate this gig : it was the worst i've seen on belgian
> ground...pitty. i hope leuven (depot) will be much better then this (what
> will not be difficult to do so...)
> anyway, had good evening and fun with friends but did'nt manage to get to
> jaz or anyelse...
> greetz,
> marnick from brussels-belgium.
> _____
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