[kj] Perceptions so far.

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 13 07:08:00 EDT 2006

I was on a long drive the other day and i had it
blasting in my car. It sounded incredible. I've never
really understood the problems some people seem to
have with the production. It's a little thing, i
suppose, but then nothing from that era was
particularily bass-heavy. The late 80s/early 90s saw a
lot of tinny sounding albums. Anyways, yes, the intro
of Money is damned powerful indeed. When it all comes
crashing in, it's like a big ugly vomit. The whole
album has that "beautiful dirge" feel to it. It's dark
and evil and it's uplifting and beautiful all at once.
The album is only marred by the absence of BPF and the
whole Outside the Gate debacle. Otherwise, for me, it
stands with all the albums from the "classic" era
(79-86). If it weren't for OTG and the whole band
being fractured, there wouldn't even be a question of
its relevance.


--- Jpwhkj at aol.com wrote:

> Very true. And the material was fantastic live
> (especially Money as an opener...
> dumdumdumdumdumdumdumdumdum).
> These days I hardly ever listen to it though.
> Jamie
> bluce ree <bluceree2003 at yahoo.co.uk> writes:
> >pah!
> >
> >the main emotion that EDAVRE evoked was relief.
>  Relief that it didnt munch scat like OTG.
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