[kj] Music Of The Quantum website (Jaz & Piers Coleman)

pssyche23 antoni at clara.net
Tue Apr 11 11:36:32 EDT 2006

Just chanced upon a website for the Music Of The Quantum event held in New Jersey a few years ago ... included are several WMV files containing Jaz compositions and an interview : 


It reads :

"Music of the Quantum was first performed in New York, at Columbia University on the 22nd March, 2003. 

This composition by Jaz Coleman was commisioned by the Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM) as a public outreach event, first performed in New York at Columbia University on March 22nd 2003. The event was performed by the Sporcl quintet from Prague, and narrated by Robert Laughlin and Piers Coleman. The piece enjoyed its European Premier on the 20th July 2004, in the Bethlehem Chapel, Prague. 

The piece was written to bring out musically, some of the themes of the quantum emergent world. The melody of this unique piece is carried between a violin and an accordion, the idea being to capture the duality of quantum mechanics between these two contrasting instruments. In composing the music, Jaz Coleman followed the musical brief to be found by clicking on the buttons below." 
The website was originally accessed from Piers Coleman's own website :




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