[kj] Invocation-----lonelyboy......
melinda grant
hollytree1961 at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 10 15:21:46 EDT 2006
lonely boy,since last years episode concerning flightbringer aka peter
wests appauling and degraiding actions towards me concerning all the trouble
he caused,and how he tried brainwash some other gatherers( london bombing
ect--july ect--remember?,i suffered deeply cos of that,still get flash backs
from scene from edgeware rd,where i was caught up in it)
and since the continual hassle he has caused so many other gatheres over the
years on this list,who have either stopped posting or left,i have refused to
acknowledge his posts,they go straight to the junk--thats why i never reply
to him,i dont get to see his posts.
also,i was appauled by the way he changed a situation around over the
weekend,trying to manipulate you,and humiliate you.........what is wrong
with robs ass? why does he not do anything about this continual way that
flightbringer aka peter west carrys on? i have never met west face to
face,i dont know what he looks like,so for all i know,rob could be west!!! i
dont know,as surly any decent person running a list,would want to put a
final stop to all of p.wests continual manipulation of other gatheres
so i really do not get it,yes,yes,his posts used to be funny,but he has
wripped almost each and every gathere to bits on here,causing
tension/friction between other members on here--ok not all,
but who needs thats,there are real problems in this world,yet west creates
problems on here.......
like i said,he does not exsist to me,as he has over stepped the
mark--surpassed the level of common decancy, once to often with me/my
private life,which has at time borded on stalking--obsession--this person is
not normal,he creates friction on this board for the fun of it--i just dont
understand anyone like that,who chooses to cause a riff at every
oppertunity----whats the point? why wont admin do anything about this,once
and forall?
i have been a fan/follower of k.js since 1979 there was never this kinda
friction until he came along
he has caused so many friendships to breack down--down to his trouble making
verbal lies,could go on,i know you know what i mean-----why is some one like
this aloud to have so much free rain on this board?
absolutly baffled by this person flightbringer aka peter west--its people
like him that start real wars,through there twisted reasoning.......
>From: LONESTYLE at aol.com
>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>To: gathering at misera.net
>Subject: Re: [kj] Invocation
>Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 05:11:24 EDT
>Just shut up!
>In a message dated 4/7/2006 2:07:12 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
>flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk writes:
>single sold out in fop,virgin,hmv,"
>Thats what you must expect with life in New Zealand Mel . Basic
>necessities are hard to come by. But I suppose that that is a small price
>to pay for living in paradise. It must be very communal all living
>as one big family.
>Can you ask Jaz who will be playing on bass in the forth-coming tour
>please, why don't you come to the U.K. over especially for the gigs?
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>Gathering at misera.net
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