[kj] Hosannas Received

Christof hamille wessidetempest at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 4 09:46:50 EDT 2006

Allrighty  got my Japanese import today.  Blasted it on the car stereo into 

1.  Good god Geordie is awesome on this album.  Makes me want to pick up the 
guitar and worship him even more.

2.  The cover would look better without the writing.  Rest of the layout is 
cool.  Definately more thought went into it then the last one.  Which brings 
me to my related question
    A.  I understand why bands make a special release for the Japanese 
audience.  But can someone explain to me the OCR?  I know they have been 
around forever and are on most LPs also.  But what purpose do they serve?  
And why do record collectors care so much about them?

Lets get into the whole tracks remixing stuff

1.  This Tribal Antidote hasn't changed much from the leaked mp3s that I 
have.  But it sounded fine to me anyway
2.  Hosannas from the Basement of Hell has changed subtly.  The background 
ambience is more pronounced along with the bass
3. Invocation has benefitted the most with a proper release.  The strings 
are sublime and sound so much better.  And you can really make out the added 
percussions (hand drums of some sort)
4.  Implosion like Hosannas has only benefitted slightly.  look above.
5. Majestic is still my favorite track.  And it explodes out of the 
speakers.  Wakey wakey.
6.  Walking with Gods is still my least favorite.  But like 2 and 4 there 
are subtle enhancements that make it sound much better.
7. The Lightbringer is similar to with 2, 4 & 6.  But the song gets more 
life as a result.  While I was luke warm to it earlier it is definately 
moving up the ladder with all of its subtle Killing Jokeness.  Could trim 
some of the fat.  But Killing Joke hasn't done a song in under 4 minutes in 
a loooonnnnggg time.  And this one clock in at 9:38.
8. Judas Goat is a good song.  One part Pandemonium one part Extremities and 
3 parts geordie kicking arse.
9. Gratitude hasn't changed much.  Which is fine.  It was fine in the leaks. 
  Not one of their better songs but  still good.
10. (BONUS) Univers B.  Holy shit.  This is the closet to a traditional rock 
and/or roll song that Killing Joke have ever done.  The mix on it is okay.  
BUT I can hear a better mix (it sounds like they did not put as muc h effort 
into this one as the regular tracks) and this song would take off.  i am 
glad I got the import just for this.

Overall it is a good Killing Joke album.  Not the best but certainly not a 
disappointment.  The drumming wasn't nearly as imaginative as I had 
envisioned but to give Ben credit he has some big expectations.  Killing 
Joke shoudl be pround of this.  And if they can keep the momentum going it 
will be great.  Geordie is still GOD


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