[kj] ot: Trolls

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 26 17:34:31 EST 2005

Slagging does take two -- yes, but slagging is only the result of 
needlessly provocative commentary. If people  - and I'm speaking 
generally, not naming names or pointing fingers...I'm equally guilty of 
the crime --  perhaps reigned in their pronounced propensity for 
spouting decidedly hateful claptrap, perhaps the slagging  matches 
would also dwindle down to a minimum. I'm not asking people to censor 
themselves, but rather to take into account the 
feelings/beliefs/sensibilities of others before firing off a 
potentially hurtful or nasty comment.

Just a thought.

Alex in NYC

On Saturday, November 26, 2005, at 05:27 PM, Jpwhkj at aol.com wrote:

> Agreed, Rob. I know sometimes the proportion of dull stuff : 
> interesting stuff is the wrong way round, but frankly we all know 
> where the delete key is... and the slanging matches always take two 
> (at least), so heaping blame on West, Dregs, Mel, etc is unfair.
> Jamie
> "Rob's Arse" <joker at Z6.com> writes:
>> Well Jim, the way I see it is that people should be intelligent 
>> enough to conduct themselves in a proper manner.
>> There is no point in laying down rules, no-one sticks to them.
>> The mud slinging is pretty sad, Pete West gets alot of the blame but 
>> he really isn't the only one/worst.
>> Who actually feels that they need to be told what to do? Serious 
>> question
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