[kj] Unspeakable Suicide Bomb Bitching

Mikael Byström mikael.bystrom at punkass.com
Fri Nov 18 07:23:50 EST 2005

peter.west410 said:

>A war on terror. You cannot deal with terrorists. You cannot enter
>into dialogue with terrorists. You cannot acknowledge them at

"War on terror" is an oxymoron. And the main force behind this war are
major perpetrators themselves. They torture or let torture and otherwise
break the laws of war again and again. They asked UN permission
beforehand to not be able to be tried for crimes against humanity, which
clearly indicates they planned to commit crimes against humanity (And UN
granted them!). They have made more terrorist attacks on democratic
countries than any other on the planet. They are the only country that
The World Court <http://www.icj-cij.org/> has condemned for international

This is not to say that the "other" side is good. They are two sides of
the same coin and they need each other. Neither are about giving real
democracy to the world. Though one of them says so, even as it can not be
considered a full democracy anymore. That would be quite amusing if it
weren't for the fact that some people believe them. Those who are
following the leaders.

It's quite clear where you stand in these matters, Peter.

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