[kj] Tube Disaster

Darth Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Nov 17 10:53:33 EST 2005

Sounds like a good idea, Greg.

Lets hijack Asda and give the food to the masses!

Why do we love them?

--- GregSlawson at aol.com wrote:

> We need to get rid of more than just certain
> leaders...Even the US Democrats 
> under Clinton were planning this war...We need to
> shut down the capitalist 
> economy that will kill for oil and any other
> commodity...Eventually we need 
> working people in charge and running things
> collectively, according to committment 
> and need (to borrow from Marx). The Progressive
> Labor Party (www.plp.org) 
> organizes in the US and Latin America with this
> long-term goal in mind. Yeah!
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Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
But what the HELL?
They talk to God!

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