[kj] killingjoke.com

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Wed May 25 19:14:09 EDT 2005

  Is it stealing if:

Say, you're shopping at a grocery store and you find another customer's
basket unattended. You notice it has an item you want, so you take it.
Then you get in line and pay for it.

*******Until someone pays for it ,the item belongs to the supermarket.So as
long as someone pays for it ,It cant be considered as theft.An item does nt
belong to a person until they ve paid for it,So to take an item from them
cant be classed as theft,because they dont own it***********

 Then, on the way out you punch an
old lady in the back of the head and take her purse. I mean think about
it, you did pay for the item. Is that stealing? I don't think they can
convict you from a legal standpoint.

*******This is assault and theft*********

Cheers to all, and thanx for the kind words

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