[kj] Currently playing...right here right now...

PRAEst76 praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Tue May 10 05:19:57 EDT 2005

Jim Harper wrote:

> Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
> I know there aren't many fans on the list but I'm more than happy with his current album. It's not all great, but there's a solid core of catchy, aggressive tunes. Better than I'd expected.

I used to like 'me, but got bored years ago. It was the 'middle aged
millionaire writing lyrics for frustrated middle class teenagers who
think they are irrevocably fucked up' I couldn't get past, but this new
album seems to have moved on a little. I still think he's either hanging
out with Roger Waters too much or not enough.

np: Foetus - (not adam)

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