[kj] murder inc dont, geordie solo

fluwdot at earthlink.net fluwdot at earthlink.net
Thu May 5 10:49:26 EDT 2005

afraid you're right, and what's more he is only getting lazier by the 
year..hence the ever more boring and unimaginative riffing. 

so the possibility of geordie doing any, much less, good, solo work, 
are increasingly less likely.

but with a body of work that that man has, why bother. he is already 
the greatest unknown guitarist on the planet. he only needs to play 
the hits anymore, which he does quite well ...if only the live mix 
and his tone were merely acceptable, then his most recent endeavours 
would have a purpose beyond substandard nostalgia.



On 5 May 2005 at 9:51, Alexander Smith wrote:

I'm projecting, but I get the feeling our Geordie is a bit of a lazy
fellow. Call it a hunch.

Alex in NYC

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