[kj] Vienna

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 26 16:55:35 EST 2005

In Hugh Cornwell's "Song by Song" book, he defends "I Feel Like a Wog" 
(which fuckin' rocks, btw, especially the live rendition on LIVE 
X-CERPT), by citing that WOG is derived from the acronym "western 
oriented gentleman," and thus not necessarily a pejorative. Yeah, pull 
the other one, Hugh.

Alex in NYC

On Saturday, March 26, 2005, at 02:01 PM, GregSlawson at aol.com wrote:

> Actually, the Stranglers album I first posted about was "Dreamtime", 
> not "Aural Sculpture". Again, it is so different from their early 
> stuff. What the fuck? I feel like a wog!
> P.S. What is a wog? Never hear the term in the US.
> P.P.S Good to hear some people are trying to have fun at the shows. 
> Some 80s bands that play here, the audience just stands there. Moshing 
> and slamming has been co-opted by the horrible "hardcore" metal scene, 
> which seems to be big now.
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