[kj] etiquette

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 19 17:39:57 EST 2005

Stop all this bullshit, please. It's making this list fucking 

Alex in NYC

On Saturday, March 19, 2005, at 05:06 PM, peter.west410 wrote:

>> Hi, Paul--
>> You and I are on GOOD terms, my friend.  You and I
>> sorted things out ages and ages ago.
> ********Whooopeee.You ve both got a freind(each other)**********
>> I used the term "idiots" in the plural just in case
>> there WAS more than just peter.west doing the multiple
>> personalities to argue shite.  However, I find it
>> interesting that as I never mentioned his actual NAME,
> *******Greyson,You were obviously referring to me,That was blatently
> obvious***********
> he continues to attack me.
> *******I ve mentioned your name twice in one year,And only as a 
> response to
> you.I think "attack" is the wrong word......I mentioned you.When you 
> use the
> word "Attack" in this instance,It devalues the word**********
>  Especially as my original
>> complaint was about how he wastes everyone's time.
> *******So you understand that I was replying to you?********
>> And he is a waste of time.  I've had to block him
>> personally on several occasions,
> *******Well you cant be doing it right,If you blocked me correctly,You 
> would
> only have to do it once*********
>  because he simply
>  won't stop.
>  He's even brought my name up in other
>  periods when I had not posted anything;
> ********Dont kid yourself that you are that important...............I 
> Dont
> recall mentionning your name in other periods..............I even 
> forgot
> that you were here*************
>  there's
>> something he's personally attaching to my name so that
>> if he's worked up, I'm somehow involved.  Paranoid,
>> maybe.
> **********Again ,Dont kid yourself.I thought that you left ages 
> ago.Paranoid
> may be the correct word here,But not in the same sentence as
> peter.west*******
>> Cheers, Paul--and thanks for contributing the vinyl to
>> the Jester fundraiser.  I now own a lot of it!
>> Oh, and I wasn't advocating we start a new list, I
>> only meant we'd eventually have to find a new list
>> once this one becomes befouled beyond all tolerance.
> *******To tell the truth Grey,No-one is really bothered in what you 
> were
> advocating***********
> See you again .................next year
>   PW
>> Grey :)
>>> Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 10:22:37 +0000
>>> From: Paul Rangecroft <spud.u.hate at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] etiquette
>>> To: gathering at misera.net
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <98abf93605031902226d1914ec at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>> concerning recent events:
>>> firstly, i couldn't care less about PW using my
>>> name. nobody thinks
>>> it's me so what difference does it make if he posts
>>> as me or as Peter
>>> Pumpkinhead?
>>> starting a new list? i dunno. possibly this could
>>> work. if people are
>>> leaving then the argument about not wanting to
>>> break-up the list
>>> doesn't apply.
>>> look at it this way: if a group of friends who all
>>> liked KJ were down
>>> the pub (prop. A. Misera - bloody nice bloke with a
>>> fine knowledge of
>>> german beers), and one was a special needs child who
>>> couldn't speak
>>> english properly and keeps dribbling his shandy,
>>> spitting crisps
>>> everywhere and insulting people every time they open
>>> their mouths, and
>>> said retard was banned from the pub next door,
>>> wouldn't they all just
>>> go next door?
>>> the argument "there is one Killing Joke" wouldn't
>>> make any sense. nor
>>> would the free speech argument. "there can be only
>>> one" seems to imply
>>> a lack or perspective, like we are important or
>>> intrinsically linked
>>> with the band. we're not - just friends hanging out
>>> and chatting. some
>>> people only use the gathering message board and some
>>> people only use
>>> joe's boards so we don't even represent the entire
>>> online community of
>>> KJ fans.
>>> if i am resposible for people leaving the i
>>> apologise. personally i
>>> think peter west is the source of most of the
>>> negativity here, which
>>> is why i decided to tackle him (despite advising
>>> people in the past to
>>> just ignore him or block his account(s)!)  he
>>> campions mik's cause for
>>> promoting the band (though quite why someone who has
>>> never heard of KJ
>>> would be looking at his site is a mystery to me) but
>>> he himself does
>>> the exact opposite by continually driving people
>>> away.
>>> i would be in favour of any method to get rid of
>>> him. if someone wants
>>> to start a new list, get colesy, iPat and everyone
>>> else who has left
>>> because of PW back on board then go for it. if
>>> anyone has some
>>> constructive criticism about my own behaviour i'm
>>> all ears (i'm not
>>> sure if greyson was referring to me below, the word
>>> "idiots" (ie
>>> plural) would seem to imply she is not just blaming
>>> peter west).
>>> On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 03:33:29 -0500 (GMT-05:00), Alex
>>> Smith
>>> <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>> With the utmost respect, Alexi my dear, NO NEW
>>>> There is one Killing Joke. As such there is one
>>> Gathering. Let's try to keep it together, shall we?
>>>> Alex in NYC
>>>> ----Original Message Follows----
>>>> Basically, we'll all have to eventually leave The
>>>> Gathering to the ill-intentioned and start another
>>> one
>>>> elsewhere!  (laughs)
>>>> That's why I've lurked without commenting for
>>> ages,
>>>> but I'm about fed up with the multiple
>>> personalities
>>>> of certified idiots.
>>>> Grey
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