[kj] Jaz vs. Vince

Alex Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 5 02:26:12 EST 2005

So, personally speaking, I've made my peace (like it matters) with the `Joke opening for the `Crue. Hey, it's an offer they couldn't refuse, and it's more exposure than they've enjoyed in a long time. On top of that, I was actually a fan of the Crue way back when.

That all said, I'm sitting here at the office at 2:22 am, and VH1 is showing the "Remaking Vince Neil" show (wherein the portly and pathetic Crue frontman gets a plastic surgery/wardrobe/music/lifestyle makeover). It is *BEYOND STAGGERING* how fucking shallow and idiotic Vince Neil is. For all their quirks, communications problems and arguable faults, I've always considered Killing Joke a HIGHLY INTELLIGENT band. To see them paired up with the likes of Vince Neil and the rest of the Crue (y'know you're in trouble when Tommy Lee seems like the smartest guy in the band) is so fucking difficult to fathom.

I would *SOO LOVE TO BE A FLY ON THE FUCKING WALL** when Jaz interacts with Vince for the first time. 


Alex in NYC

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