[kj] Your First "ANTZ" Record?

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 16:55:54 EDT 2005

Same here, but after that they went pop and to us at the time
epitomised everything we were against, including the remarks in the
interview. I have a Crass tape from Sheffield where Steve Ignorant
started the gig with a "stand and deliver" and a strip of tape accross
his face after the ant had run down crass and what they did in
interviews. Do not underestimate my hatred of this prat! lol

On 6/29/05, melinda grant <hollytree1961 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> my first antz record----dirk wears white sox....bloody great that was--gone
> of it now..
> mel ldn uk.
There is the urge that makes for conformity, and the urge to be free.
However dissimilar these two urges may seem to be, are they not
fundamentally similar? And if they are fundamentally similar, then
your pursuit of freedom is vain, for you will only move from one
pattern to another, endlessly. There is no noble or better
conditioning, and it is this desire that has to be understood.

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