[kj] Your First "PUNK" Record?

Tinsoldier645527 at aol.com Tinsoldier645527 at aol.com
Wed Jun 29 12:25:29 EDT 2005

the first punk record i was given was birds of a feather 7" by  KJ,and the 
first i bought was pandemonium 12"
In a message dated 29/06/2005 17:04:31 GMT Daylight Time,  
circuit_bender at yahoo.com writes:

Sprung  off from the earlier question, inspired by Antoni's post....

What was  your first credibly (or arguably credible) "Punk"  record?

Look at the controller,Nazi,with a social degree,
Middle-class  hero,rapist,with your eyes on me.
You pay some masturbation,the Priest cheers  for the nuns you fuck!
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