OT RE: [kj] ot:Blair savaging UK Democracy

circuit bender circuit_bender at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 28 11:44:24 EDT 2005

makes you wonder, don't it?
we need another ollie. one that doesn't retract.

luke <lukeskywalker3 at myway.com> wrote:
"look at how stupid the royals are!" 

If they are stupid then we must be even stupider for bankrolling them, Charles's young poofy brother resigned from the army after a few weeks because his back pack was too heavy and went of the drama school, his company loses millions every year, yet we keep on funding it.

Then he turns up on the Buckingham Palace balcony, not only in full military uniform, but with a chest full of medals as well, what did he get medals for when he only managed a few months basic training? 

"thank you for replying."
I shall savour the moment, because im sure it wont last ;-)

--- On Thu 07/28, Partridge, Felicity < felicity.partridge at financial-ombudsman.org.uk > wrote:

From: Partridge, Felicity [mailto: felicity.partridge at financial-ombudsman.org.uk]
To: lukeskywalker3 at myway.com, gathering at misera.net
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 14:57:13 +0100
Subject: RE: OT RE: [kj] ot:Blair savaging UK Democracy

Eye eye! yes, my name may reflect my parent's middle class aspirations but not my brain power! (look at how stupid the royals are!) I wasn't having a go at TB, as I am told he is paid less than £100,000. (no mean salary for most but not very much compared with investors etc) I wanted to put a view out there in the most general and idealistic terms and thank you for replying.

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