[kj] A Lesson in Trade

Graeme Rowland crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 31 11:47:53 EST 2005

Jobs we need
stop them proles thinkin
as far as going up against govt

too tired,
gimme chessebugger & flies

 --- iPat <pmdavies at gmail.com> wrote: 
> All very well if you want what is refferred to as
> 'progress'. Why do
> we need growth? Is it to simple an argument to say
> that it is simply
> to make profit for the elite?
> why do we need extra jobs, houses and roads? Is it
> simply to feed a
> machine that at some time must implode on itself?
> i wonder....
> still on course for the big 4
> On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 13:01:53 +0000, xxxxxxxxxx
> <xxxxxxxxxx at whitemail.ie> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Immigration:Is this the latest subject they use to
> keep the population worried?
> >     The reality is that Western countries have
> falling birth rares,There are not enough people
> being produced.This is bad for the economy and will
> lead to a recession.
> >    Immigrants are good for the economy,they create
> wealth.The local popuation has become enriched
> enough not to work in low-paid menial jobs,So
> immigrants fill the void.
> >    With-out them many industries would grind to a
> halt(Farming,Catering,Construction,etc etc)So they
> are neccessary and important to the economy,Yet
> people are in fear of them.
> >    With all this talk of "dirty bombs",Terrorists
> may use a dirty bomb to attack us blah blah
> blah,These so called bombs are very difficult to
> make and they aren't sure if they would actually
> work,And theres been no evidence of anyone tring to
> make one,If you read the reports of "terrorists"
> being arrested for trying to produce one,If you
> search for evidence ,Its usually very flimsy and
> would nt stand up in court.
> >    Through-out history governments have offered us
> a better way of life if we vote for
> them,Cars,Tvs,foreign holidays ect ect.But now the
> general popuation has all these they are using fear
> as a way of making us vote for them:ie,Vote for me
> and i ll keep you safe from out-side attackers.
> > 
> >       XXXXXXXXXX
> > 
> >   us?
> > who is us?
> > but one fear is replacede by another - the latest
> in one.
> > immigration here in the uk, whats it in your
> world?
> > so, if the fear is a hoax, what are they
> distracting us from?
> > 
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> -- 
> iPat
> live for today, live for tomorrow
> "Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it
> through any
> organisation, through any creed, through any dogma,
> priest or ritual,
> nor through any philosophic knowledge or
> psychological technique. He
> has to find it through the mirror of relationship,
> through the
> understanding of the contents of his own mind,
> through observation and
> not through intellectual analysis or introspective
> dissection..."
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