[kj] OT: Prince Harry (again)

xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx at whitemail.ie
Sun Jan 30 08:01:53 EST 2005

Immigration:Is this the latest subject they use to keep the population worried?
    The reality is that Western countries have falling birth rares,There are not enough people being produced.This is bad for the economy and will lead to a recession.
   Immigrants are good for the economy,they create wealth.The local popuation has become enriched enough not to work in low-paid menial jobs,So immigrants fill the void.
   With-out them many industries would grind to a halt(Farming,Catering,Construction,etc etc)So they are neccessary and important to the economy,Yet people are in fear of them.
   With all this talk of "dirty bombs",Terrorists may use a dirty bomb to attack us blah blah blah,These so called bombs are very difficult to make and they aren't sure if they would actually work,And theres been no evidence of anyone tring to make one,If you read the reports of "terrorists" being arrested for trying to produce one,If you search for evidence ,Its usually very flimsy and would nt stand up in court.
   Through-out history governments have offered us a better way of life if we vote for them,Cars,Tvs,foreign holidays ect ect.But now the general popuation has all these they are using fear as a way of making us vote for them:ie,Vote for me and i ll keep you safe from out-side attackers.

who is us?
but one fear is replacede by another - the latest in one.
immigration here in the uk, whats it in your world?
so, if the fear is a hoax, what are they distracting us from?

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