[kj] Gang Of Four support band
michael.head at directline.com
michael.head at directline.com
Thu Jan 27 09:47:56 EST 2005
hope you stayed in the room at Leeds & Glasgow
Graeme Rowland
<crackedmachine at y To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
ahoo.co.uk> <gathering at misera.net>
Sent by: cc:
gathering-bounces Subject: RE: [kj] Gang Of Four support band
26/01/2005 16:15
Please respond to
"A list about all
things Killing
Joke (the band!)"
Seemed like a tedious eighties Interpol / Franny Ferd
tribute w/ crap singer & bassist resembling F Sharkey
mannered and boring
but not leave the room awful like most supports I saw
on last Killing Joke tour!
--- Rob <rob at westwoodassociates.co.uk> wrote:
> thanks,
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
> [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On
> Behalf Of Wittz
> Sent: 26 January 2005 07:35
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Subject: [kj] Gang Of Four support band
> For those going to the GoF gig at SBE on Friday you
> can get a taste of the
> support band, The Departure, here...
> http://www.thedeparture.com
> <http://www.thedeparture.com>
> A lot of Chameleons, a bit of The Church and others
> See you there.
> Brian.
> Can you put a reserved sticker on a bit of prime
> floor space at SBE for the
> 24th and 25th Feb ?
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> Gathering at misera.net
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