Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 22 20:35:55 EST 2005
"They deserve unreliable part-time fans."
Then stop logging in full-time hours and PISS OFF already!
Alex in NYC
On Saturday, January 22, 2005, at 07:44 PM, xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Whats with everyones disillusion?
> Well in the year 2005 Killing joke seem to be like a rudder-less ship
> sailing in a storm of apathy with no captain.
> In 2003 some people were expecting big things for 2004.The fans were
> promised alot,A bigger better American tour , Live DVD,Spoken word
> Album,Ceremonies ,25 th anniversary gigs .And what materialised?
> Absolutely nothing from the band.Colesy re released some goodies,But
> was then....... .well, we all know.
> Somebody should have been at the helm organising things,Even
> management changes should have been dealt with a long time ago
> I was speaking to one guy who went too a gig on the American tour,He
> said he was a big KJ fan ,But never realised they were playing in his
> home town,He said he went to the shops and saw a advertisement on a
> piece of paper stuck to a tree saying" playing tonight Killing
> Joke".Lots of people missed out because they never heard about
> it,Killing Joke believing that all "The Kids"would come flocking like
> rats to the pied-piper.Times have changed.The music industry has
> changed .
> If the last album had a decent cover,I m sure it would have sold more
> copies,When I first saw it I just thought. NO
> .It is atrocious.It degrades all their other album covers.
> Id always thought that Jaz had control of the situation,Like he had
> some master-plan,now I think he just turns up sings the same old
> set-list,Then goes back to New Zealand,Thats it for another couple of
> years.There seems to be no love or passion anymore.No creativity.
> The annivesary was last year.If I were married to KJ,I would of got
> divorced years ago.As fans we deserve more.
> I think the Motley Crue gigs will be the final nail in KJs coffin.
> As they are an unreliable part-time band,They deserve unreliable
> part-time fans.I think the problems arose because too many people
> hero-worshipped them ,And they got complacent,thinking the fans will
> accept any shit.
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