kIlLiNgJoKe at PuNkAsS.CoM
Wed Jan 19 15:54:00 EST 2005
Greetings All,
Not been able to keep up with my email of late as ISP have decided I'm an
undesirable on the net ...LOL
So only been able to use my work addresses of late and poxy proxy settings
have decided my mail is not allowed, but ces't la vie.
On 40 topic I will be celebrating mine in Feb. (10th) and had originally
decided to go to Jamaica to celebrate, but have now decided to stay at home,
but because of this I will now be able to go to London for Friday gig in
Jamaica can wait till April, when Mrs. dub turns 40 too!
The kids and herself got me flights and ticket for Christmas pressie and I
am made up big-time, I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!
Have myself sorted with place to put head down for few nights too, staying
somewhere called Eltham Green.
I know no doubt nearer the time, a place for a meet and greet will be
sorted, but curious to know if anything else happening in London that
weekend, that might be worth looking at? I guess I could look online and
stuff, but to bleedin' lazy to do so at the minute!
I'll be arriving in London on 24th (leaving 27th) and as yet have not been
able to source ticket for that night, but even if I can't I'll be down that
way to check out tubes and stuff and make sure I don't get lost on Friday,
as I have not been to London for years and I do tend to get lost even in
Dublin, guess I should not smoke and drive.
Anyway enough of my ramblings, could not help myself to be honest, just feel
like a 10 year old at Christmas, excited and apprehensive both in equal
amounts, so I guess being nearly 40 is just a state of mind and one is as
old as one feels, as Sid Vicious I think it was once said "you can be 21
till your 99!", not that he made it or ever talked much sense, but it's a
saying I tend to live by.
All the best and roll on February!
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