saulomar1 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 12 13:17:33 EST 2005
--- Rob's Arse <joker at Z6.com> wrote:
Killing Joke still owe loads of money out there!
S: To whom? I got the impression they were 'free and clear'
of all obligations and wanted to keep it that way...
So someone offers you 5 gigs at £20K per gig (fact). £100K for 5
days work.
S: (I am all for it, tho i don;t like it)So why IS Motley
Crue choosing to tour w/KJ? How do they benefit, not counting
Raven's friendship w/Sixx, which alone couldn't get this all
That puts food on the table, buys the kids birthday/Christmas
presents, also helps cover some costs and means that, yes, this
thing called Killing Joke is worth doing.
S: Good, I've never been against the band making lots of
Sell your arse for 5 days...
S: I wouldn't call it, "selling" yrr arse. I think this
tour should be seen less seriously and a lot more
...Killing Joke owe us..another decent album.
--- Mark G Holt <akillingjoker at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
From: Mark G Holt <akillingjoker at yahoo.co.uk>
With a band aligning itself with Motley Crue and away from
Colesy, somethings gone wrong with a group of people who's
idealism i agreed with and followed for all 25 of its years,
with a heavy heart and a thanks for the memory, I'm off,
... ... ... ... ... ...
As the masters rot on walls
And the angels eat their grapes
I watched picasso
visit the planet of the apes
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