[kj] Tav and Gigs

MARK SAXTON ranjeef at btopenworld.com
Mon Feb 28 06:24:02 EST 2005

Hello everyone, just been reading through your mails and here's my "ten penneth".
Firstly, approached Rob Moss and Colesy in the Tav who were the faces I recognised most; unfortunately didn't really get to speak to Rob much ; next time: Colesy, you are a truly grand chap and it was lovely to meet ya( looks like we'll be coming to the Clock Machine launch now!).
Mick Head , son and Bri, salt of the earth Yorkshiremen and possible future collaborators! Not a bad Indian eh? though I'd have eaten a discarded kebab from the roadside if i'd have found one first.
Brian Wittz (lovely man), Rob (Brian) Horbag we met briefly,Alex in London (alarmingly frequenting the gents rather too regularly. Hey yeah, you've got Television and Velvet Underground spawned from your neck of the woods and Brian,,yeah you've got Joy Division and The Chameleons.... but we've got Alvin Stardust and fucking Robin Hood man, the coolest  "rockstar" ever...so there ...I win!
Lisa Gannon for a great accent and smiles, Jel for friendly knowing nods, of course Stephane for the posters..cheers
There were more but I can't remember names..next time eh
Thursday was the better day out even though Geordies guitar sounded awful but Friday did them full justice and I must say that the new drummer Ben was excellent even though I know most people felt let down, I think he could be the spark to rejuvenate them and up the output; lets hope so.

Cheers for a magic time, roll on Cheltenham!
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