[kj] Remembering Conny Plank...

Stephen Robinson heiferboy at robinsonworld.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Feb 26 07:18:58 EST 2005

>From the Roedelius update #2,

> Remembering Conny Plank
> As many of you will be aware, Conny Plank (1941-1984) was huge 
> influence on West Germany's so-called "Krautrock" movement. Conny 
> produced records by Ash Ra Tempel, Cluster, Can, Kraftwerk and many 
> other groups of the time. But he was much more than just a producer 
> and often became a 'co-composer' on their albums. This he did by using 
> his studio expertise to generate remarkable electronic sounds and 
> textures. Many of these albums were recorded at Conny's Studio - 
> a charming cottage studio in a tiny village outside Hamburg. A new 
> website at www.plankstudio.de features text and photos of Conny's 
> Studio. Pay it a visit!

"Eleven men come out on the field and two men go in to bat, and we have to
bowl the ball at these men, and they have to hit it, and stop it from
knocking all their little bits of wood over. And then, when we've knocked
all their little bits of wood over, we change round, and they have to knock
all of our little bits of wood over. And we do it for six hours a day, five
days a week..."

"It's a bit daft, innit?"

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