[kj] Dodge the Bullets!

Graeme Rowland crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Feb 18 10:38:25 EST 2005

17/2 I dreamt I was at a Killing Joke gig and the band
were playing The Fall of Because. The drummer slipped
an extra beat in, and Jaz flew into a rage, pulling a
gun from his spider poncho. The poor Tool beater ended
up with a slug through his head. 

High up in the Right Royal Box, Youth put down his
kingsize spliff just long enough to bellow, "This is

Luckily Big Paul was on hand to pick up the sticks and
hammer out Night Time.

Later that day I had several revelations!

This afternoon I walked past a Chorlton school where
red children screamed "Night Time" in the yard! 

Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

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