[kj] OT Planespotting (a tad long, sorry)

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 03:59:39 EST 2005

Years ago, i had a run in with a local dustman 
I was called home one day to find my rear off side light smashed. It
was Tuesday bin day and it didnt take much to work out that the bin
lorry had scuffed it so i called them up and said i had witnesses.
[always say you have a witness or two regardless]

I went and got the light fixed and when i called up on the Thursday
the gaffer still hadnt talked to the driver but was expecting to speak
to him at tea time that day.

Id only just moved into this quiet suburban area from the more run
down drug infested estate in Aberdeen. So when i hear a noise i
reacted to it and it was a windy night but something made me get up
and go to the window. Anyhows, theres my new light being blown accross
the road and some bloke walking away hurridley.
Im just back from my judo session and am in loose bedtime style
clothing and flip flops. I instantly rush and chase the bloke who
jumps into a car and drives off.

Gone? Nope. he drives off down a cul de sac.

so i wait at the top and eventually he comes back trying to act
innocent. While i had every intention of smashing him, the gale winds
and cold temperatures as well as the fact that he was in a tonne of
metal and i was in a skeleton made me simply take the number and sneer
while he tried to avoid my gaze. I simply reported it. In scotland you
need two witnesses though so it wouldnt be much use.

The gaffer calls up the next day apologising for the first incident
and that they'll pay for it but is left stunned when i tell him tha
this guy was up again and broke my new one. I gave him the car
registration and the make and model of the car.

anyhows, i didnt have a second witness so the police werent going to
take it further but as the only reason to involve them is for
insurance reasons that was ok. I was seriously warned off taking
revenge on this guy as if i was a maniac just let out of jail. Im
not.........[cue whistlling]

i found out who the guy was and got revenge in a low level way.
At that time the magazines were giving away subscriptions like peanuts
and you got the magazine and then the demands to pay. I subscribed
this guy to a multitude of magazines ranging from motor cars,
gardening to gay porn ones.

you know the offers in Sunday papers for cheap shitty plates with
elvis on? Well i guess he got a shitload of them and had to go through
the effort of returning them.

Everyone i knew and even people on another e mail list who went on
holiday sent the guy a postcard from Peter, his made up gay lover.

By accident i found out i knew his postman and so that led to fun and games.

To cut the story short, i inflicted a low level nuisance campaign that
didnt tell him who i was but gave me the satisfaction and the last
laugh at not only him but the fat policeman who warned me off with all
the authority his button bursting jacket could manage.

of course this is in my dreams and isnt true as id be a fool to admit
to anything like that which could lead me into trouble. I drove past
the guys house last week and hes ok. We have seperate live unlikely to
meet again.

theres always a way .....

live for today, live for tomorrow
"Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any
organisation, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual,
nor through any philosophic knowledge or psychological technique. He
has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the
understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and
not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection..."

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