[kj] ot - you have rights but ..

Bish salja at tiscali.co.uk
Wed Dec 14 05:23:51 EST 2005

Heaven or nirvana, the third place whatever you believe is eternal 
paradise. After a few hundred years perfection gets mundane. We need 
trauma, dispair, pain and destruction, it binds us. What happens is , 
when you get a boring time there you need a holiday otherwise you will 
never appreciate what you have. You basically get sent to a life on 
earth or in fact any other planet dimention for an unknown time. Thats 
to say you dont know if your coming back as a rock that erodes over 
millions of years, a meerkhat, a dog cow or rock star. You may have a 
good life before you die you may have a shitty one, the caviat is that 
you dont know about where you come from to get here and you dont know 
how long youve got til you go back. What you learn is taken back and it 
helps you enjoy the perfection.
The thug criminals we have on earth are necessary as are chiccadas or 
whatever they are called. Everything creates balance. We need black and 
white. Fate is not set in stone its random but gets its balance by chaos.
Im getting fed up now with my rant...i know what i mean.
Killing Joke are exactly that....there are 90 shit bands out there and 
theres the boys........their world is unbalanced......hence the joke.
Hold on the nurses are coming with my meds.......see ya later
In jest.............................................................!!!!

fluw wrote:

> if you exercise them, a file with your name on it will be built down 
> at the dod ya hootin' quaker:
> http://msnbc.msn.com/id/10454316/
> stalin would love where this country is going
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