[kj] Barfly fight - pit fodder

Tinsoldier645527 at aol.com Tinsoldier645527 at aol.com
Thu Aug 25 15:39:47 EDT 2005

I'm not sure if anyone misunderstood,but just in case someone did,it was  
someone in the crowd beating the other guy up.Just thought I'd clear that  up
In a message dated 25/08/2005 19:53:22 GMT Daylight Time,  
webmaster at killing-joke.com writes:

Ok,  "Butcher" one of the members of the message board was the guy who 
climbed  over the barrier onto the stage. He was heavily intoxicated, 
and there is  some speculation that something was dropped in his drink. 
He was fine one  moment, and the next was horribly messed up.

He was right next to me,  and when he decided to climb up, as he rolled 
over the barrier, he clipped  the side of my head with his foot. He 
landed into Ravens mike stand and on  top of the chords on the stage. He 
looked at Paul and motioned that he was  going to dive. Then, after 
laying there for a moment, he stands up and  sort of staggers about, and 
Raven shoved him back towards the side of the  stage before he fell into 
Ben's drums. When Paul pushed him, he sort of  fell next to me, to my 
right, and security took him off.

There was  no brutality, no hitting with the guitar nothing like that, 
and the guy is  fine, but a bit embarrassed about the whole thing and 
sends his apologies.  Where anyone gets that he was hit with bass, 
brutalized or anything like  that is beyond me. Maybe from a different 
angle it may have appeared that  way, but he was NOT hit with the bass, 
he was pushed. I was sitting about  3 feet away from the whole damn 

As for what Coleman said to  Peter, he simply said he did not see it, so 
to him, nothing happened...go  talk to Raven about it.

~ Jester

Space man came down to earth,took a look around to  see what its worth,came 
up to me,looked me in the eye,laughed out loud and said  die monkey die

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