[kj] OT: Iron Maiden Egged by Sharon Osbourne.

Neil Perry neilfperry at btinternet.com
Tue Aug 23 20:20:16 EDT 2005

Wow, that was a good story. Made me come over all

--- Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:

> I know there are some `Maiden fans on this list. I'm
> one. If you're  
> not, well that's fine.  But read on....
> Cheers,
> Alex  in NYC
> As many of you now know, Sharon Osbourne and
> assorted hangers-on  
> dramatically and deliberately sabotaged Iron
> Maiden's final performance  
> on the Ozzfest on Saturday 20th August in Los
> Angeles. There is an  
> inital statement from the band on Iron Maiden's
> website  
> www.ironmaiden.com but as a result of further
> developments Iron Maiden  
> will respond to Sharon and co's inflammatory and
> upsetting behaviour  
> later today.
> In the meantime for a full, frank and unbiased
> report of the events of  
> Saturday night I'd like to refer you to this
> eye-witness, backstage  
> account posted on the heavy metal website
> Blabbermouth.net by a manager  
> of a fellow band playing the festival, who was
> disgusted by what  
> transpired. Having also been in attendance that
> night I can vouch for  
> the truth of this testimony.
> http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/ 
> news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=40739
> Blabbermouth.net
> The manager of a well-known heavy metal band (*NOT*
> IRON MAIDEN) who  
> attended this past weekend's Ozzfest show at the
> Hyundai Pavillion in  
> Devore, California has submitted the following
> first-hand account of  
> the evening that will surely go down as one of the
> most shameful  
> moments in recent rock history (NOTE: at his
> request, the author's  
> identity is being protected by BLABBERMOUTH.NET):
> "Saturday night's Ozzfest at the Hyundai Pavillion
> near Los Angeles was  
> a debacle on so many levels, I am still in shock as
> I write this. As a  
> fan of many of the bands [Saturday] night, one can
> only hope this was  
> an isolated incident, but sadly, it most likely
> wasn't. As many of you  
> have heard already, co-headliners and metal legends
> IRON MAIDEN were  
> pelted with eggs, bottle caps, beer cups, spit on,
> had people from the  
> Ozzfest camp talking over the PA during their set,
> had 'Eddie' delayed  
> from his onstage entrance, had members of the [BLACK
> entourage rush the stage with American flags, and
> had the PA  
> intentionally turned off over six times, all by the
> "While it's still unclear as to the exact reasons
> why the terrorizing  
> started (rumors abounded as to why, with everything
> from Bruce calling  
> out Ozzy in the U.K. rock magazine Kerrang! on the
> widely known fact  
> that Ozzy uses a teleprompter, to various vague
> references said on  
> stage about a 'reality show' at an Ozzfest stop in
> Detroit), one thing  
> was very clear: The whole thing stunk, and left me,
> and nearly all of  
> the 40,000+ heavy metal fans in attendance angered
> and disappointed.  
> Not that behind the scenes bickering or magazine
> trash-talking is  
> anything new to rock fans, but the shocking lack of
> professionalism at  
> one of the largest stops in North America in front
> of 40,000+  
> spectators, at the hand of the Osbournes was nothing
> short of  
> disgusting.
> "It all began early in the afternoon, when many side
> stage bands were  
> openly approached in clear view of everyone
> backstage by Sharon and  
> Kelly Osbourne to 'join them in throwing eggs at
> IRON MAIDEN this  
> evening.' All the bands were encouraged to rally the
> other side-stage  
> bands to do so. Members and/or friends of the
> hardcore band BURY YOUR  
> DEAD were seen actively trying to encourage other
> side-stage bands to  
> 'join in the fun.' Thankfully, many side stage bands
> angrily declined.
> "Later that evening, as IRON MAIDEN came on stage,
> their intro was  
> interrupted by [BLACK LABEL SOCIETY] hanger-on and
> biker wannabe Big  
> Dave, who was at the soundboard loudly chanting
> 'Ozzy, Ozzy' over the  
> PA. MAIDEN opened their set and the entire band was
> pelted from the  
> front row with eggs, beer, beer cups, spit, and
> various other objects  
> by an Ozzfest-credentialed, bandana-wearing,
> Osbourne entourage. IRON  
> MAIDEN, ever the professionals, continued through
> their set, and by the  
> time they launched into their second song, 'The
> Trooper', Bruce changed  
> into a civil war-era, red coat and began waving a
> Union Jack - British  
> flag. Then, someone in, or associated with, BLACK
> to rush the stage waving and American Flag with the
> words 'Don't fuck  
> with Ozzy' scrawled across his bare chest. He was
> tackled and beaten by  
> MAIDEN crew and promptly thrown off stage.
> "As 'The Trooper' ended, frontman Bruce Dickinson,
> with characteristic  
> spunk, launched into a scathing attack on the people
> terrorizing his  
> band, calling them 'a sorry excuse for an Ozzy
> Osbourne fan,' and  
> wondering aloud how, 'three dozen eggs could get
> snuck into the front  
> row of Ozzfest by people with Ozzfest laminates?'
> Though he never named  
> names, all in attendance could understand who he was
> referring to.  
> Nicko McBrain ran up to the front asking Bruce to
> hold on while he  
> cleaned egg off his drums. He then stated the the
> next song wouldn't be  
> heard on 'Your local cocksucking corporate radio
> station, wouldn't be  
> seen on MTV anymore, and sure as hell wouldn't be
> played on a fucking  
> reality TV show,' met by a huge roar from the crowd.
> "During the song 'Hallowed Be Thy Name', Bruce,
> after only the first  
> two lines, stopped singing and ran to the front row,
> firing back at his  
> terrorizers, saying 'That asswipe right there, with
> the curly hair, the  
> fucking glasses, and Ozzfest laminate throw his
> fucking ass out of here  
> right now. It's gonna take more than eggs to stop
> IRON MAIDEN, and if  
> it wasn't for a lawsuit, I'd rip your fucking head
> off right now, you  
> piece of shit!!!!' He had the various attackers
> ejected and continued  
> with a blistering version of the song until right
> before the big sing  
> long at the end, the PA was INTENTIONALLY cut off.
> When it came back,  
> Bruce launched into another scathing attack saying
> that they were  
> supposed to play a shorter set than normal today,
> and only play 55  
> minutes, but IRON MAIDEN can't drive 55, or play 55,
> and were going to  
> play our whole fucking set tonight.
> "The band endured six more 'PA cuts,' including
> having the power to  
> their amps turned off at one point. When the PA
> would come back on,  
> they would simply launch into the next IRON MAIDEN
> classic, never  
> missing a beat. Frankly, with every PA cut, the band
> just got meaner  
> and meaner, playing each new song with an anger and
> a fire that was at  
> times, simply astonishing to watch. Bruce began the
> introduction to  
> IRON MAIDEN with a speech about 'Your constitution
> has something about  
> 'We The People.' Well let me tell you, the only
> reason we are up here  
> tolerating this bullshit, is because of you people.
> You have been  
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