[kj] Hello to all . . .

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 23 19:00:53 EDT 2005

Welcome, Steve. Don't take everything you read here dreadfully 
seriously. Especially if they're messages from me. I tend to overstate 
things and often use arguably violent terminology which seems to scare 
a lot of people. In truth, I'm just a little lamb with a drinking 

And don't bother reading anything put forth by Peter West. He's a 
lovely gent with a heart of gold, but he's in desperate need of a mouth 
diaper, given the staggering amount of shit he talks (but he's a good 

And so long as we all agree that KJ2003 is superior to DEMOCRACY, then 
we'll all get along fine.

Cheers, Big Ears!

Alex in NYC....who is blind and breathless from allergies at the 
moment, and self-medicating with expensive Japanese beer, which isn't 
working, but making him feel a little bit better nonetheless.

On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, at 04:52 PM, Stevekelly66 at aol.com wrote:

> To all on the board,
> Just thought I'd drop a quick line to you all in order to say hello. 
> Obviously I'm new to this mailing list but I've been checking out The 
> Gathering for some time now - that is until all the porn links started 
> appearing!!!
> Anyway like I said a quick hello, all the best for now.
> Steve
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