[kj] Jaz Interview

The Resistance resistcorruption at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 19:24:31 EDT 2005

Fantastic media - properly streamed so that even I can hear it on my feeble 
dial up - and great to hear the man - Jester, I applaud you. Great to hear 
about the villages and all the other stuff - what Jaz said about Geldof was 
really interesting, most of us including myself do our good cause bit to 
fuel our sagging egos with feelgood endorphines. Perhaps one day we will 
develop into genuine altruistic beings, but I doubt it.

On 8/2/05, Dave Noonan <noonan.hq at ntlworld.com> wrote: 
> Jaz seemed remarkably chilled in the interview - any chance of getting his 
> fellow henchmen to spill the beans...good work Jester for pulling the site 
> together.
> -- 
> *Dave
> *Leeds
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When you lose all cathartic impetus
and you have no more will to shout
when your dhobis itch spreads to your armpits
you know you are down and out
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