Tim Bucknall tim.bucknall at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 8 08:53:57 EDT 2005

 a good constistuency mp is the bedrock of democracy, if i had a good mp 
i'd vote for them regardless of their party
Democracy should be built from the Bottom up,

I just remembered how easy it is to wind people up by praising the 
tories ;-)

I must do it more often

iPat wrote:

>yeah but shes a fucking tory! have you forgotten the destruction of
>many working peoples rights thanks to their policies?
>her recent voting history.
>Prevention of terrorism bill (3rd reading) - 28.2.2005 
>MPs voted on an amendment to make all control orders at the discretion
>of a judge. Rebels voted in favour. The amendment was defeated and the
>bill given its third reading.  For
>Prevention of terrorism bill (2nd reading) - 23.2.2005 
>Second reading of a bill to introduce control orders for terrorist
>suspects. Rebels voted against.  Against
>Identity cards - 20.12.2004 
>MPs voted on the second reading of the government's identity cards
>bill. The Conservative frontbench supported the measure, with Labour
>and Tory rebels voting against  For
>Hunting ban - 15.9.2004 
>The government reintroduced a bill to ban foxhunting and hare
>coursing, to be debated and voted on over the course of one day. MPs
>voted 356 to 166 in favour of the ban.  No vote
>Higher education funding bill - 27.1.2004 
>MPs voted on the second reading of the government's higher education
>bill - which included plans for variable student tuition fees. Rebels
>voted against.  Against
>Lords Amendment on foundation hospitals - 19.11.2003 
>MPs voted to reverse the Lords¿ decision to remove references to
>foundation hospitals from the health and social care bill. Rebels
>voted against. The amendment was defeated by 17 votes.  Against
>Rebel Amendment on Foundation Hospitals - 8.7.2003 
>MPs voted on Frank Dobson's amendment to remove references to
>foundation hospitals from the health and social care bill. Rebels
>voted in favour. The amendment was defeated by 35 votes.  For
>Total ban on hunting with dogs - 30.6.2003 
>Rebel motion to ban hunting with dogs outright. Rebels voted in
>favour. The motion was carried.  Against
>Foundation hospitals rebel amendment - 7.5.2003 
>MPs voted on an amendment opposing the creation of foundation
>hospitalsRebels voted in favour. The amendment was defeated.  No vote
>Amendment to government Iraq motion - 18.3.2003 
>MPs debating the Iraq crisis voted on an anti-war amendment. Rebels
>voted in favour. The motion was defeated.  Against
>Anti-war amendment in the Iraq debate - 26.2.2003 
>MPs voted on an amendment tabled by Chris Smith and Douglas Hogg. The
>amendment was not carried. Rebels voted in favour.  Against
>All-appointed Lords - 4.2.2003 
>Motion to appoint all peers in a future House of Lords. The prime
>minister backed the introduction of this option. Cabinet rebels voted
>against, although this was a free vote. Motion was defeated.  Against
>All-elected Lords - 4.2.2003 
>Motion to introduce a fully elected House of Lords. The leader of the
>Commons backed this option. All MPs given a free vote.  Against
>UN resolution 1441 - 25.11.2002 
>Liberal Democrat amendment limiting justification for war with Iraq
>without further UN sanction. Rebels voted for the amendment.  Against
>Adoption and children - 4.11.2002 
>Vote on government plan to allow unmarried and gay couples to adopt
>children. Supporters voted for. The motion was passed.  Against
>Morning sittings of the House of Commons - 29.10.2002 
>Proposal to reform Commons working hours to introduce morning sittings
>and end business at 7.30pm. Supporters voted for the motion.  Against
>Emergency Iraq debate - 24.9.2002 
>Procedural motion to adjourn the house following emergency recall.
>Rebels voted against. Motion was lost.  No vote
>Licensing of hunting with dogs - 18.3.2002 
>A compromise proposal to allow foxhunting to continue under licence  For  
>Full ban on hunting with dogs - 18.3.2002 
>Proposal to completely ban hunting wild mammals with dogs. Supporters
>voted in favour.  Against
>Opposition to single faith schools - 6.2.2002 
>Rebel amendment to require faith schools to take 25% of pupils from
>other backgrounds.  Against
>Home Office anti-terrorism legislation - 21.11.2001 
>Vote on the contoversial bill giving the governemnt the right to
>detain foreign terrorists without trial. Rebels voted against. The
>motion was passed.  No vote
>International action against terrorism - 1.11.2001 
>Rebel vote against government's backing for airstrikes on Afghanistan.
>Rebels voted for. Motion was lost.  Against
>Transport select committee appointments - 16.6.2001 
>Government motion proposing the removal of Gwyneth Dunwoody from the
>transport committee. Rebels voted no. The motion was defeated. 
>Ban on hunting with dogs - 17.1.2001 
>Free vote on motion to ban hunting with dogs. Motion was carried. 
>Related articles Ban on hunting with dogs
>MPs vote for ban on fox hunting Against  
>Extension of freedom of information legislation - 5.4.2000 
>Amendment to extend scope of freedom of information bill. 
>Related articles Extension of freedom of information legislation
>MPs incite Labour revolt on freedom of information bill
>Straw sees off disclosure rebels For  
>Age of consent February 2000 - 10.2.2000 
>Vote on government plan to lower age of consent for gay sex to 16.
>Supporters voted for. The motion was passed.
>Related articles Age of consent February 2000
>Commons approves bill to lower gay age of consent
>MPs' third gay sex vote ensures law change No vote  
>Opposition to incapacity benefits means test - 20.5.1999 
>Motion to block government plans to limit access to incapacity
>benefit. Rebels voted for. Motion was defeated.
>Related articles Opposition to incapacity benefits means test
>Modernisers no more
>Labour MPs' revolt may force welfare concessions For  
>Age of consent June 1998 - 22.6.1998 
>Vote on government plan to lower the age of consent for gay sex to 16.
>Supporters voted for. The measure was passed but defeated by the
>Related articles Age of consent June 1998
>MPs back gay sex at 16 Against  
>Newspaper pricing - 10.6.1998 
>Liberal Democrat motion to ban predatory pricing by newspaper owners. 
>Related articles Newspaper pricing 
>New Labour revolt uniting left and right looms over Murdoch No vote  
>Opposition to cuts in student funding - 8.6.1998 
>Motion to oppose government plan to cut student funding. Motion was lost. 
>Related articles Opposition to cuts in student funding
>Blunkett defied by 31 rebels For  
>Military action against Iraq - 17.3.1998 
>Vote to allow UK military action against Iraq if peace bid failed.  For  
>Opposition to cut in lone parent benefits - 10.12.1997 
>Attempt to block government plans to cut lone parent benefit. The
>motion was lost.
>Related articles Opposition to cut in lone parent benefits
>Labour's benefits revolt Against  
>On Apr 7, 2005 8:03 PM, Juliet Pleming <pricepleming at tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
>>I'm quite lucky because I have got someone in my constituency who I can
>>vote for ..., and she
>>would be a fucking good prime minister, too. 

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