[kj] (OT) election thoughts

parasikon parasikon at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 3 06:14:56 EST 2004

This is a dark day if there ever was one.The Dubya worshippers have sold America down the river.Not to mention the rest of the world too.Four more years of fear.That's what the fuck we're having.I don't want to be around anyone today.

PRAEst76 <praest76 at escapism.co.uk> wrote:Amy Moseley Rupp wrote:

> I dunno, but I want outta here. OUT OF THIS COUNTRY.
> He will never be my president. Ever.

George makes Tony Blair look like a great man. I guess that's why he 
hangs around with him.

I'm considering imposing sactions against the US if the Neocons win this 
election. I'll be witholding sex with American tourists until such time 
as the PNAC is off the top o' the hill. See how they cope with that.

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