[kj] Hypo-pathetically speaking

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 2 08:27:36 EST 2004

Bush is convenient for Bin Laden because he serves up exactly what  
Islamic Fundamentalists want -- Jihad. Bush ploughing into Iraq  
precisely confirmed was Bin Laden was trying to say to the "Arab  
Street" -- that the West is at war with Islam.

That said, I think we could vote P.Diddy into office, and they'd still  
want to fly planes into our buildings. As long as we provide unilateral  
support to Israel and still have a military presence in Saudi Arabia,  
that's all the justification they feel they need to commit acts of  

Alex in NYC

On Monday, November 1, 2004, at 02:06 PM, peter.west410 wrote:

> I would say that Osama wants George  W  out.
>      At the moment America is trying to rebuild Iraq &Afghanistan(will
> follow).Once Democracy, The Army and Police are in place then Al  
> -Queda will
> have difficulty operating in Iraq(In the future).That is the reason  
> the new
> security forces are under constant attack,That is why many westerners  
> have
> been kidnapped,To try to make Western companies abandon the re-building
> process,An thus leaving Al-Queda a chance to regain the country.
>    If a new regime took over in USA then they may withdraw ,or at  
> least not
> be so hard-line.
>     I don't think that there will be an attack on America before the
> Elections,Because if something was planned ,Then Bin-Laden would nt of
> released the video .Maybe he does nt have the resources to attack,So  
> he's
> trying to scare the electorate into voting Bush out.
>      I know the Spanish election result had some other factors,But if  
> the
> train-bombings never took place then the right -wing government would  
> have
> been elected.
>             PW
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alexandra Tolksdorf" <alexandra.tolksdorf at web.de>
> To: "'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)'"
> <gathering at misera.net>
> Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 6:33 PM
> Subject: AW: [kj] Hypo-pathetically speaking
> Of course bin Laden wants George W. to stay in the White House as he  
> has
> had a good time with him so far. That's why they broadcast the video
> now, a few days before the vote. People get scared and think W. will
> "keep them safe". "Better not risk anything by voting for the new guy."
> To me it's the product of years of dumbing people down by making a good
> education too expensive for the majority, and constant instant access  
> to
> reality-denying mind-numbing TV programmes an easy alternative to real
> life.
> Alexandra.(Hamburger.)
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]
> Im Auftrag von Rob
> Gesendet: Montag, 1. November 2004 17:30
> An: 'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)'
> Betreff: RE: [kj] Hypo-pathetically speaking
> although the Bin Laden broadcast has sent voters sprinting to the Bush
> camp no? From all of Bin laden's attempt to promote himself as an uber
> politician, I'm sure he'd rather have Bush in there as it feeds his
> hunger for a bloody war..........
> horbag
> (hoping this site returns to normal after the frenzy over the past week
> or so)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
> [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of first fossil
> Sent: 01 November 2004 12:43
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject: Re: [kj] Hypo-pathetically speaking
> Good question, but you can't compare the two places and you can't say
> for sure what effect an attack can have.
> In the Spanish elections I don't think many people switched sides
> because of the bombs. The idea is that the attack woke up a huge mass  
> of
> people who normally wouldn't have given a shit and they went out to  
> vote
> Socialist. Also the pro-Bush right-wing govt stabbed themselves in the
> foot by going into propaganda overload trying to blame ETA, the Basque
> separatist group - people smelt a rat and gave the govt a slap.
> As Alex says, in USA  I'm sure that the Republicans have prepared a  
> much
> better thought out plan of action should anything diabolical happen.
> foss.
> "peter.west410" <peter.west410 at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> After seeing the latest Bin-laden video,Where he threatens America.
> Do Americans think there will be another attack before the
> elections,Because there was an attack on Madrid before the Spanish
> elections,Which swayed the elections.The right-wing party were heading
> for
> victory,The attack happened and the Left got in.
> In America they say the vote could go either way,So if an attack on
> America happened,It might just sway it for the left.
> So Yankee-boys.If an attack happened on American soil(say 1000
> casualties),Which you knew would get Bush out,Would you quietly
> rejoice.?
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