[kj] punk festival

Patrick Davies Patrick.Davies at subsea7.com
Wed Jul 7 11:33:56 EDT 2004

While this thread is not a competition, to me punk isn't what the music
business keep telling me it is. 

When was the last time/any time I saw Eater represented. One of the
finest punk bands there ever was imho. Half the people who put together
the compilations wouldn't know punk from a ducks arse.

Besides half the punk stuff/new wave stuff was shit, singing about
allsorts of stuff. Some of the bands on that festival were oi and a good
deal of them were happily seig heiling their arms away at that time.
Came face to face with many of them on the crass tours looking to stir
it up.

The Reading festival started up with the likes of promoting the cult and
u2 didn't it? In that context the real punk thing started.

Btw have you read John Kings Human Punk? Recommended as is his new book
The Prison House.


-----Original Message-----
 Actually, I sympathise with Alex. I got a free cd with Kerrang recently
and it was meant to be punk. The Damned, Sham 69 and DK were
represented. The rest was shit bands with horn sections singing about
their girrrrrrrrrrrrrlfriend, my mooooooooooooooooom etc. Punk? My arse!

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