[kj] sorta ot - Burman amps update

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Sun, 29 Feb 2004 17:45:30 -0500

the Burman amplifier company is back in business and with a nice new website :  

if anyone is unfamiliar with burman do know that Burman was the manufacture of 
the 4000 pro 8x10 x 2 bass amps that geordie used from 81/82-89.
they are making two models at the moment a 1x12 combo and a 2x12 combo so 
one looking to get the geordie sound could do so in relatively hush portions. perfect 
for house or studio and smaller gigs. anyway, if you already own a burman and 
would like service they can provide that too.

let the lions of newcastle roar again!

p.s. killing joke is mentioned on the history page.
