[kj] worst ever thread

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Sat, 28 Feb 2004 22:56:08 +0000

I'll tell you what's wrong with it. It's commercial but even as a commercial 
record it's crap. The lyrics are pathetic and the tune is awful. For someone 
who's liked KJ from the first album, it was a real shock to stick it on the 
record player and hear instead of the latest single from KJ, some lamentable 
parody of KJ's sound. The last time I felt that let down by a band was when I 
heard "Rock the Casbah" (Clash) or "Mr Fire Coal Man" (SLF) for the first time. 
Of course, I was a teenager at the time which might explain why I felt 
particularly aggrieved by the whole "Me or You" debacle, especially when 
the "Fire Dances" album proved to be so good though this is one KJ album that I 
rarely play anymore.

Quoting Alexander Smith <vassifer@earthlink.net>:
> Am I truly the only person who actively *LIKES* "Me or You"? What 
> exactly is so wrong with it?
> Alex in NYC

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