[kj] OT a most august Poll

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 3 20:32:50 EDT 2004

Bill said:

"15. Most over-rated: “Eighties”."

....and then......

"16. 3 bands you would like to see on the same bill as KJ:  Der 
Blutharsch / re-formed CopShootCop / The Cardiacs"

Holy crow. In two answers how can you both get it so wrong and so 

I'll admit it. I'm unapologetically partial to "Eighties" and I don't 
care who knows it.

But C$C and the Cardiacs with KJ????? I could die after that.

Incidentally, I'm C$C will *NEVER* reform. Trust me on that one 
(although Phil Puleo and Tod are back on speaking terms). But Jack Natz 
would sooner kill Tod that share a stage with him.

Alex in NYC
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