[kj] Decisions, decisions, decisions

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Tue, 30 Sep 2003 05:43:07 EDT

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In a message dated 30/09/03 00:41:41 Pacific Daylight Time, 
richard@phipps48.freeserve.co.uk writes:

> Where are most jokers going to be for drinkies prior to the gig?

   I can only speak thus far for myself and the rabble im taking with me. We 
are going to the Tottenham on Oxford Street with the junction of Tottenham 
Court Road. They have tellies in there so we will be able to watch the England 
game, drink lots then Gather. Unless of course Marc comes up with a better 
plan...over to you Marc.

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">In a message dated 30/09/03 00:41:41 Pacific Daylight=20=
Time, richard@phipps48.freeserve.co.uk writes:<BR>
: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Where are most jokers going to=20=
be for drinkies prior to the gig?</BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp; I can only speak thus far for myself and the rabble im taking w=
ith me. We are going to the Tottenham on Oxford Street with the junction of=20=
Tottenham Court Road. They have tellies in there so we will be able to watch=
 the England game, drink lots then Gather. Unless of course Marc comes up wi=
th a better plan...over to you Marc.</FONT></HTML>
