[kj] Prague set-list

sade1 gathering@misera.net
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 15:04:58 -0700 (PDT)


          Oh, my-god (humiliating), my song is
              -- The Commod(or)es Three times a Lady 

--- Mark Kolmar <mark@burningrome.com> wrote:
> http://stacks.msnbc.com/news/940974.asp

> ARGUING THAT TODAY’S version of the Qur’an has been
> mistranscribed from
> the original text, scholar Christoph Luxenberg says that what
> are
> described as “houris” with “swelling breasts” 

     Perchance “white raisins” and “juicy fruits.” is 
metaphorical, in the originals, as some currently calling them
"cherries" and "melons", respectively.
And that guy ‘Lux’ better keep changing his alias lest the
Fatwas catch up with him.

--- Amy Moseley <amyr@jump.net> wrote:
> supporting dictators like Castro with money and military
> Ask the Czechs.  First the Germans…then they were “liberated”
by the Russians….Boy,
> What a choice.”

       Is this implying that a NUCLEAR world war was or is 
   (for those reasons) justifiable or even ‘called for’? 
Any Czech Gatherers ever believe for a second that trying to
curtail Russia’s might by baiting the Russians with the Cuban
Missile crisis was done for your[Cz] sake?


> Yes -- but Kennedy's baiting of the Russians was inspired by
> his (and almost every other American's) hatred for them
> because
> of their expanding their communist rule to countries who did
> not wish it, either by militarily taking them over, or
> supporting
> dictators like Castro with money and military equipment.
> Would've been much better if Russia's might had been curtailed
> through limiting their occupation of foreign countries after
> Ask the Czechs.  First the Germans took them over, and no one
> really complained.  Then after WWII when they were
> "liberated,"
> the Russians took them over by replacing the government.  Boy.
> What a choice.


"Get me out 
  of the here and now
  I want to be
  another here, another..."

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