[kj] Prague set-list

Amy Moseley Rupp gathering@misera.net
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 06:52:40 -0500 (CDT)

> > > I think it was after 3rd song, Jaz was 
> > shouting 
> > > Fuck Bush! Fuck America!


Okay to the first, but Jaz, there are an awful lot
of people here in America who do NOT agree with the
actions Bush has taken, and we are (in theory) the
only ones who can remove him from power.

Going the other way is what got us in trouble in
the first place.  It might be reasonable to hate
Saddam Hussein for what he's done, but certainly
not reasonable to hate the entire country and
obliterate it.

I wish there was some way for people outside
the US to show their support for those of us
here who have never agreed with Bush's strategy
and are doing what we can to stop him -- the
biggest key of which is to NOT re-elect him in
2004.  Part of the equation is money -- I think
we might be one of the only countries in the world
where one can *buy* power readily.  Everyone both
inside and out of America who wants this guy out
is going to have to use their voice and their
money to effect that change.