[kj] Official European Language

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Thu, 18 Sep 2003 11:08:10 +0200

It sounds like it is the band of my english =

lectureres at secondary school=2E haha=2E
Hoch die Eurosprache Deutschglisch! No es verdad=3F


----- P=F9vodn=ED zpr=E1va -----
Od=3A patrick=5Fbate=5Fman=40gmx=2Enet
Datum=3A =E8tvrtek=2C 18=2E z=E1=F8=ED 2003 v 10=3A43 dop=2E
P=F8edm=ECt=3A Re=3A =5Bkj=5D Official European Language

=3E there is actually a german electro-band =

=3E called =5B=3AS=2EI=2ET=2ED=2E=3A=5D=2C who had a big
=3E club-hit last year with =22snuff machinery=22=2E =

=3E anyways=2C their new single=2C
=3E =22stronghold=22=2C about the columbine-highschool-
=3E shooting sounds like this=3A ZEY came to
=3E kill=2C ZEY came to burn=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E LOL
=3E =

=3E Astrid=2E
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =3E I am looking forward to this being =

=3E introduced=2E I =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E already speak this way=2C so I Stay One Jump =

=3E Ahead!=3E -)))
=3E =3E Pavel
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E ----- P=3Fvodn=ED zpr=E1va -----
=3E =3E Od=3A Dave Axford =3Cdaxford=40rogers=2Ecom=3E
=3E =3E Datum=3A st=3Feda=2C 17=2E z=E1=3F=ED 2003 v 9=3A23 odp=2E
=3E =3E P=3Fedm=3Ft=3A =5Bkj=5D Official European Language
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E The European Commission has just =

=3E announced =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E an agreement whereby English
=3E =3E =3E will be the official language of the =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E European nation rather than German which =

=3E was =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E the other possibility=2E
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E As part of the negotiations=2C Her =

=3E Majesty=27s =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E Government conceded that English =

=3E spelling =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E had some room for
=3E =3E =3E improvement and has accepted a 5-year =

=3E phase-
=3E =3E =3E in plan that would become known as =22Euro-
=3E =3E =3E English=22=2E
=3E =3E =3E In the first year=2C =22s=22 will replace the =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E soft =22c=22=2E Sertainly=2C this will make the =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E sivil servants jump with joy=2E The hard
=3E =3E =3E =22c=22 will be dropped in favour of the =

=3E =22k=22=2E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E This should klear up konfusion=2C and =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E keyboards kan have one less letter=2E
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E There will be growing publik enthusiasm =

=3E in =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E the sekond year when thetroublesome =22ph=22 =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E will be replased with the =22f=22=2E This will =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E make words like fotograf 20=25 shorter=2E
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E In the 3rd year=2C publik akseptanse of =

=3E the =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E new spelling kan be expektedto reach the =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E stage where more komplikated changes are =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E possible=2EGovernments will enkourage the =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E removalof double letters which have =

=3E always =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E ben adeterent to akurate speling=2E Also=2C =

=3E al =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E wil agre that the horibl mes of the =

=3E silent =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =22e=22 in the languag is disgrasful and it =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E should go away=2E
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E By the 4th yer peopl wil be reseptiv to =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E steps such as replasing =22th=22 with =22z=22 =

=3E and =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =22w=22 with =22v=22=2E
=3E =3E =3E During ze fifz yer=2C ze unesesary =22o=22 kan =

=3E be =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E dropd from vords kontaining =22ou=22 and =

=3E after =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E ziz fifz yer=2C ve vil hav a
=3E =3E =3E reil sensibl riten styl=2E Zer vil be no =

=3E mor =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find =

=3E it =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E ezi tu understand ech oza=2E
=3E =3E =3E Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru=2E
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E If zis mad yu smil=2C pleas pas it on to =

=3E oza =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E pepl=2E
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =

=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=3E =

Gathering mailing list
=3E =3E Gathering=40misera=2Enet
=3E =3E =

=3E =

g=3E =

=3E =

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=3E +++ GMX - die erste Adresse f=FCr Mail=2C =

=3E Message=2C More! +++
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=3E Getestet von Stiftung Warentest=3A GMX =

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=3E Jetzt selbst kostenlos testen=3A =

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=3E Gathering mailing list
=3E Gathering=40misera=2Enet
=3E =
