[kj] east coast torrent

Alex Smith gathering@misera.net
Tue, 28 Oct 2003 16:28:57 -0500

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Goddamn, Fluw, that was well done. Truly sorry I missed those other gigs. 

Alex in NYC

From: "fluw" <fluwdot@earthlink.net>
To: <gathering@misera.net>
Subject: [kj] east coast torrent
Date: Mon, Oct 27, 2003, 2:51 PM

ok, must not be alone in the pack so here goes my travel diary:
pull up to union square hotel. check in at 5:30. quickly change into battle
garb and head down to the yuppy irish bar chosen by our verbose nyc troop
leader alexinyc. we all had a blast getting to know one another, patronizin=
the yuppies keen on procuring our camp when we finally gave up the ghost fo=
hopes of an arrival by geordie, jaz, nick, raven or ted, and browsing the
excellent new malicious damage catalog foldout pocketbooks. otherwise event=
took place at the central bar as alex mentioned already.
the cmj/webster hall gig was a tremendous experience -- the poor nyc hipste=
kids didn't know what hit them, especially the cerebrally challenged
youngster who leaped from the balcony nearly shish kabobbing himself on
raven's back up bass. he should be thankful that
cliff was on the ball his first night out of the gates with killing joke or
the fool hearty stage bomber may have been pulling golden schecter bass
splinters out of his keister and shitting gold lam=E9 turds for months. 
later, while enduring 90's def leppard music turned to 11 in a bar the size
of your average walk in closet, some events enjoyed by myself were swapping
punches to the shoulder with alex; gear talk with troy gregory and ted; naz=
and gaza strip opinions with the duracell powered jaw of jossy; chawing
cuban cigars while discussing/having lessons on german demographics with
professor kingerske; and hoops and handel talk with tim.
thursday am: breakfast with mister coles, wow!!! mike played me the newly
discovered wardance demo - and without a doubt the best version i have ever
heard. specifically? much more ominous and sinister. the tempo pulls back
into a plodding super zabbath like zone far deeper than killing joke has
ever been to my knowledge; the groove alone could frighten you! the
definition and punch heard makes it sound as if it where recorded today.
some example of that would be in geordie's right hand attack, his guitar
technique is as clear as i imagine it would sound if your ear was two inche=
from his guitar. even when the band kicks in the guitar is not reduced to
the raspy and in comparison, slightly indistinct sound heard on the origina=
release. big paul's drums are more full/round/ and sound larger than ever
before. these demos also contain examples of youth's playing that had me
wondering how his playing progressed in reverse! yet still, without regard
for what the lingering effects of playing me even more unreleased tracks
would have, mike proceeded and the same qualities were present. mike then
mentions some others (2 versions of pssyche etc. that may be available)
!!!!!!!!! i talked to geordie about these demos in baltimore and he seemed
to be ringing his hands at the thought of getting these out, as in my
estimation, his opinions of the recordings where at least as high as mine.
so sleep tight with the thought gatherers, as good things are on the kj
rarities horizon! anyway mike and i had a splendid chat (family, BPF, kj
tales) and much good advice was passed on to me by mike. thank you so much
sir colesy!   
thursday evening @ black cat:
opening band was very good at what they do...tricky rhythms delivered on a
very small trap. the bassist lead the group with a stick electric upright
and effects and samples creating funky grooves and adding textures with his
bow and effects. yet another sample player and a hunching bopping projector
player, as well. in general way too much hunching, knob twiddling, etc. for
my tastes, but they were legit and not just providing a hollow pretense of
creativity like "vhs or beta" the night before in nyc.
killing joke came out to faithhealer - communion again. they delivered a
blistering set
to a very diminutive crowd considering it was DC! ted is doing some spot-on
tom work. geordie was bright toothed to those down front welcoming him to d=
with a hearty smile and a "wah thank yee sir!" reply.  there was some miss
communication during kings and queens as nick took into the last bridge too
early and the tight combo never skipped a beat following as if by rote. jaz
looked confusingly to geordie at the end and geordie motioned to nick to
give account, but jaz had already turned to take a drink and missed the
clarification. so regarding that, this and a few other discrepancies in the
performance luckily didn't effect the show negatively and for fans of golde=
harp noise, those mistakes seemed to propel geordie into more indulgent tha=
his usual pleasantly disturbing attacks on the harp following jaz's early
exit to the dressing room - due to his stage vomiting and general unhealthy
state. by itself, the harp fedback and sang for at least three minutes afte=
all humans had left the stage. finally cliff apparently thought it prudent
to hit the kill switch on geordie's boss tuner and the tormented howls and
wailings of the harp where silenced.
friday baltimore: (believe)?
wtf does "believe" mean? well it seems to have a lot of meaning in baltimor=
as many cars have it on their bumpers and a giant black obelisk near
fletcher's bar advertises it as well.  a patron attending the show in
baltimore had an apropos response by wearing a black shirt with the
rearranged letters of this phase  "be evil".  before the gig, around six,
lurker adam "the stranger' elected we eat at fletcher's. fortunately a
certain tour bus with a skull on the dash was parked across the street so i=
seemed like a good idea. we walk in and there at the bar are geordie and
raven yukking it up and knockin' back shots of jack. the chatting begins -
"the stranger" "be evil" adam asks if he could buy the general and the bird
a drink and geordie happily accepts a vodka tonic and raven another shot of
jack. raven mentioned the proposed gathering shows, talked gear, prague,
burman, etc. geordie politely tolerated endured my gushings about the
new/old demos and said they will be released. anyway we proceed to order an=
eat and just as well leave geordie and raven hugging and bonding like
at the gig, no opening band just some house dub and rob's mp3 of faith
healer. the fletcher's performance was the best to date on the east coast
leg. geordie was in very close approximation of his amp, within three or
four feet at the most (a meter, for non US)  so the whistling and cries fro=
the harp provided an atmosphere of impending disaster that gave the
performance a sense of urgency. geordie was in constant motion on the tiny
stage swaying and weaving around like a cobra chugging and chiming his way
through the vortex of howls and harmonics swelling from the belly of the
golden beast. raven playfully chided the audience and sang the first verse
of pssyche full on. raven and geordie had particularly good chemistry this
night as might be expected after the bonding done downstairs. jaz wasn't
throwing up like in dc but was still sick and he didn't deliver any
saturday night @ axis boston:
ticket says band goes on at 10:00 the wife and i, after struggling with the
boston street routes (boston is worse than paris!), we get there at 8:03.
checking i.d.'s at the door we hear that the opening notes of communion on
the keyboards are calling! we settle in front of geordie as usual and enjoy
a very loud performance as others have said, but not as intense volume-wise
as the nyc gig. jaz is looking better and he is talking more, expressing
more and spitting up (on purpose, not vomiting). some monologues from jaz
finally as we hadn't had much in the nights previous other than the "what
kind of a world will we leave our children" on change and "there will be
more war in 2004, in order to win the election" bit in nyc. anyway he made =
statement about "needing to get it out" while spitting up and the "hold me
in your arms open your arms, hold me in your arms" before DARS as well as
mentioning something about "needing to parish and be born again" that
nature. anyway, great gig and then it was over. and the last of 2003 was
over for me.
can't wait til 2004 - the US kj tour that is, not the war


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<TITLE>Re: [kj] east coast torrent</TITLE>
Goddamn, Fluw, that was well done. Truly sorry I missed those other gigs. <=
Alex in NYC<BR>
From: &quot;fluw&quot; &lt;fluwdot@earthlink.net&gt;<BR>
To: &lt;gathering@misera.net&gt;<BR>
Subject: [kj] east coast torrent<BR>
Date: Mon, Oct 27, 2003, 2:51 PM<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE>ok, must not be alone in the pack so here goes my travel diary:=
pull up to union square hotel. check in at 5:30. quickly change into battle=
 garb and head down to the yuppy irish bar chosen by our verbose nyc troop l=
eader alexinyc. we all had a blast getting to know one another, patronizing =
the yuppies keen on procuring our camp when we finally gave up the ghost for=
 hopes of an arrival by geordie, jaz, nick, raven or ted, and browsing the e=
xcellent new malicious damage catalog foldout pocketbooks. otherwise events =
took place at the central bar as alex mentioned already.<BR>
the cmj/webster hall gig was a tremendous experience -- the poor nyc hipste=
r kids didn't know what hit them, especially the cerebrally challenged young=
ster who leaped from the balcony nearly shish kabobbing himself on raven's b=
ack up bass. he should be thankful that<BR>
cliff was on the ball his first night out of the gates with killing joke or=
 the fool hearty stage bomber may have been pulling golden schecter bass spl=
inters out of his keister and shitting gold lam=E9 turds for months. <BR>
later, while enduring 90's def leppard music turned to 11 in a bar the size=
 of your average walk in closet, some events enjoyed by myself were swapping=
 punches to the shoulder with alex; gear talk with troy gregory and ted; naz=
i and gaza strip opinions with the duracell powered jaw of jossy; chawing cu=
ban cigars while discussing/having lessons on german demographics with profe=
ssor kingerske; and hoops and handel talk with tim.<BR>
thursday am: breakfast with mister coles, wow!!! mike played me the newly d=
iscovered wardance demo - and without a doubt the best version i have ever h=
eard. specifically? much more ominous and sinister. the tempo pulls back int=
o a plodding super zabbath like zone far deeper than killing joke has ever b=
een to my knowledge; the groove alone could frighten you! the definition and=
 punch heard makes it sound as if it where recorded today. some example of t=
hat would be in geordie's right hand attack, his guitar technique is as clea=
r as i imagine it would sound if your ear was two inches from his guitar. ev=
en when the band kicks in the guitar is not reduced to the raspy and in comp=
arison, slightly indistinct sound heard on the original release. big paul's =
drums are more full/round/ and sound larger than ever before. these demos al=
so contain examples of youth's playing that had me wondering how his playing=
 progressed in reverse! yet still, without regard for what the lingering eff=
ects of playing me even more unreleased tracks would have, mike proceeded an=
d the same qualities were present. mike then mentions some others (2 version=
s of pssyche etc. that may be available) !!!!!!!!! i talked to geordie about=
 these demos in baltimore and he seemed to be ringing his hands at the thoug=
ht of getting these out, as in my estimation, his opinions of the recordings=
 where at least as high as mine. so sleep tight with the thought gatherers, =
as good things are on the kj rarities horizon! anyway mike and i had a splen=
did chat (family, BPF, kj tales) and much good advice was passed on to me by=
 mike. thank you so much sir colesy! &nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
thursday evening @ black cat:<BR>
opening band was very good at what they do...tricky rhythms delivered on a =
very small trap. the bassist lead the group with a stick electric upright an=
d effects and samples creating funky grooves and adding textures with his bo=
w and effects. yet another sample player and a hunching bopping projector pl=
ayer, as well. in general way too much hunching, knob twiddling, etc. for my=
 tastes, but they were legit and not just providing a hollow pretense of cre=
ativity like &quot;vhs or beta&quot; the night before in nyc.<BR>
killing joke came out to faithhealer - communion again. they delivered a bl=
istering set<BR>
to a very diminutive crowd considering it was DC! ted is doing some spot-on=
 tom work. geordie was bright toothed to those down front welcoming him to d=
c with a hearty smile and a &quot;wah thank yee sir!&quot; reply. &nbsp;ther=
e was some miss communication during kings and queens as nick took into the =
last bridge too early and the tight combo never skipped a beat following as =
if by rote. jaz looked confusingly to geordie at the end and geordie motione=
d to nick to give account, but jaz had already turned to take a drink and mi=
ssed the clarification. so regarding that, this and a few other discrepancie=
s in the performance luckily didn't effect the show negatively and for fans =
of golden harp noise, those mistakes seemed to propel geordie into more indu=
lgent than his usual pleasantly disturbing attacks on the harp following jaz=
's early exit to the dressing room - due to his stage vomiting and general u=
nhealthy state. by itself, the harp fedback and sang for at least three minu=
tes after all humans had left the stage. finally cliff apparently thought it=
 prudent to hit the kill switch on geordie's boss tuner and the tormented ho=
wls and wailings of the harp where silenced.<BR>
friday baltimore: (believe)?<BR>
wtf does &quot;believe&quot; mean? well it seems to have a lot of meaning i=
n baltimore as many cars have it on their bumpers and a giant black obelisk =
near fletcher's bar advertises it as well. &nbsp;a patron attending the show=
 in baltimore had an apropos response by wearing a black shirt with the rear=
ranged letters of this phase &nbsp;&quot;be evil&quot;. &nbsp;before the gig=
, around six, lurker adam &quot;the stranger' elected we eat at fletcher's. =
fortunately a certain tour bus with a skull on the dash was parked across th=
e street so it seemed like a good idea. we walk in and there at the bar are =
geordie and raven yukking it up and knockin' back shots of jack. the chattin=
g begins - &quot;the stranger&quot; &quot;be evil&quot; adam asks if he coul=
d buy the general and the bird a drink and geordie happily accepts a vodka t=
onic and raven another shot of jack. raven mentioned the proposed gathering =
shows, talked gear, prague, burman, etc. geordie politely tolerated endured =
my gushings about the new/old demos and said they will be released. anyway w=
e proceed to order and eat and just as well leave geordie and raven hugging =
and bonding like pirates. &nbsp;<BR>
at the gig, no opening band just some house dub and rob's mp3 of faith heal=
er. the fletcher's performance was the best to date on the east coast leg. g=
eordie was in very close approximation of his amp, within three or four feet=
 at the most (a meter, for non US) &nbsp;so the whistling and cries from the=
 harp provided an atmosphere of impending disaster that gave the performance=
 a sense of urgency. geordie was in constant motion on the tiny stage swayin=
g and weaving around like a cobra chugging and chiming his way through the v=
ortex of howls and harmonics swelling from the belly of the golden beast. ra=
ven playfully chided the audience and sang the first verse of pssyche full o=
n. raven and geordie had particularly good chemistry this night as might be =
expected after the bonding done downstairs. jaz wasn't throwing up like in d=
c but was still sick and he didn't deliver any monologues. &nbsp;<BR>
saturday night @ axis boston:<BR>
ticket says band goes on at 10:00 the wife and i, after struggling with the=
 boston street routes (boston is worse than paris!), we get there at 8:03. c=
hecking i.d.'s at the door we hear that the opening notes of communion on th=
e keyboards are calling! we settle in front of geordie as usual and enjoy a =
very loud performance as others have said, but not as intense volume-wise as=
 the nyc gig. jaz is looking better and he is talking more, expressing more =
and spitting up (on purpose, not vomiting). some monologues from jaz finally=
 as we hadn't had much in the nights previous other than the &quot;what kind=
 of a world will we leave our children&quot; on change and &quot;there will =
be more war in 2004, in order to win the election&quot; bit in nyc. anyway h=
e made a statement about &quot;needing to get it out&quot; while spitting up=
 and the &quot;hold me in your arms open your arms, hold me in your arms&quo=
t; before DARS as well as mentioning something about &quot;needing to parish=
 and be born again&quot; that nature. anyway, great gig and then it was over=
. and the last of 2003 was over for me.<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2">can't wait til 2004 - the US kj tour that is, not the war<BR=
