[kj] KJinNYC
Alex Smith
Mon, 20 Oct 2003 07:27:50 -0500
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"What's the weather like in NY?"
Well, it's getting gradually colder by the day, but it's been in the fifties
(which, I guess, means it's been in the teens if you're talking in celcius).
Chilly. Autumnal.
"what other ways are there to get into town from JFK?"
There is a shuttle service (via bus) that leaves you off at Grand Central
Station (42nd street), and it's pretty reasonable. I don't remember it's
name, but there'll be signs for it at the arrival gate once you've cleared
customs. It shouldn't be too tough to find. If you give in an take a cab,
you'll be encouraged to know that if you get it via a taxi-stand (where you
stand on line and wait your turn, etc.) it's a flat rate, and usually comes
to about thirty bucks or so. Don't forget to tip (if you want to see your
luggage again).
Alex in NYC
From: mike coles <mike@maliciousdamage.co.uk>
To: gathering@misera.net
Subject: [kj] KJinNYC
Date: Mon, Oct 20, 2003, 2:34 AM
Alex said:
So is everything still going as according to plan
They certainly are at malicious towers.
What's the weather like in NY?
Also, apart from the obvious (a cab) what other ways are there to get into
town from JFK?
Dub said:
Is this the Killing Joke list or the fucking travel show list?
It's both mate because I'm travelling to New York on Tuesday to see Killing
And my mate Alex.
And while I'm at it (but totally unrelated to travel or Killing Joke) Rob's
Arse's Headcount album is worth an hour of anyone's lugholes.
Check out our merchandise at http://www.maliciousdamage.co.uk
... and you can find more Killing Joke at http://www.studio-c.co.uk
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"What's the weather like in NY?"<BR>
Well, it's getting gradually colder by the day, but it's been in the fiftie=
s (which, I guess, means it's been in the teens if you're talking in celcius=
). Chilly. Autumnal.<BR>
"what other ways are there to get into town from JFK?"<BR>
There is a shuttle service (via bus) that leaves you off at Grand Central S=
tation (42nd street), and it's pretty reasonable. I don't remember it's name=
, but there'll be signs for it at the arrival gate once you've cleared custo=
ms. It shouldn't be too tough to find. If you give in an take a cab, you'll =
be encouraged to know that if you get it via a taxi-stand (where you stand o=
n line and wait your turn, etc.) it's a flat rate, and usually comes to abou=
t thirty bucks or so. Don't forget to tip (if you want to see your luggage a=
Alex in NYC<BR>
From: mike coles <mike@maliciousdamage.co.uk><BR>
To: gathering@misera.net<BR>
Subject: [kj] KJinNYC<BR>
Date: Mon, Oct 20, 2003, 2:34 AM<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Alex said:<BR>
<FONT COLOR=3D"#FF0000">So is everything still going as according to plan<BR>
</FONT>They certainly are at malicious towers.<BR>
What's the weather like in NY?<BR>
Also, apart from the obvious (a cab) what other ways are there to get into =
town from JFK?<BR>
Dub said:<BR>
<FONT COLOR=3D"#FF0000">Is this the Killing Joke list or the fucking travel s=
how list?<BR>
</FONT>It's both mate because I'm travelling to New York on Tuesday to see =
Killing Joke.<BR>
And my mate Alex.<BR>
And while I'm at it (but totally unrelated to travel or Killing Joke) Rob's=
Arse's Headcount album is worth an hour of anyone's lugholes.<BR>
-- <BR>
Check out our merchandise at <FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF"><U>http://www.maliciousd=
</U></FONT>... and you can find more Killing Joke at <FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF">=