[kj] yeah, bristol

mikemarchesan@libero.it gathering@misera.net
Mon, 13 Oct 2003 16:30:19 +0200

a gig in europe is ok but a gig in the UK is another story
and bristol w=
as no exception

the start ws slow, with the tzchec bloke with the viol=
in plus the PA was bad with jaz complaining about it... but then it start=
ed getting better...

the crowd was reasonably large and the wave in fr=
ont of the stage was rough enough and consistent from the beginning to th=
e end... I danced and sang like an animal as I enjoyed any minute of it..=
. bllody brilliant... they did wardance and requiem and the death and res=
urrection show and seeing red and all I wanted to hear (except follow the=
 leader and asteroid)...

but don't ask me the playlist as I was blown =
away since the beginning by them...

it was sad thou seeing the blood=
y poseurs dancing after the gig in lieu of the encores... bloody sad!

the after gig was also nice... geordie was particularly warm and brough=
t me into the band coach for a drink (and a passive smoke ;-)... jaz hugg=
ed me in the same theatrical way he behaves on stage and tim was nice as =
usual (confirming he'll be in in the next album)... raven was a bit tired=
 and not really in a talkative mood but still nice thou...

on top of=
 that big thank to nichola who made a great after gig party possible and =
for her delightful hospitality...

cheers (hoping to see them again soo=
n) to


and any othere gatherer I migh=
t have eventually met but not realised (too much cider & beer)... plus A.=
C. and nick, the taffy blokes and all nichola's friends or mere passers b=
y who made the party conversation immensely appreciated...

yeah... f**=
*ing brliiant, worth travelling all the way from italy
