[kj] da weekend

Andreas Misera gathering@misera.net
Mon, 13 Oct 2003 05:13:47 -0400 (EDT)

hi all,

i have to chime in with the rest - it was a magnificient KJ weekend!
saturday's show was very cool, managed to stay in the heaving masses for
the first hour or so until dirk suggested getting a beer and taking a
break - and that was a great idea. garlic & shots afterwards (downstairs,
in the dungeon!) was very funny as well, i think i went to bed around
needed to rest all day sunday to get some strength back, then witnessed an
even better show! they played follow the leaders this time, and except for
BOYH and seeing red the sound was great as well. had a few drinks at the
G&S again afterwards...life is good.

it was excellent to meet so many gatherers, some again and some for the
first time! bring on the pics, videos, sound recordings now!


Andreas Misera - andreas@misera.net ****...............
................"are you constant to the old covenant?"