[kj] O/Tish Who's winning?

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Wed, 8 Oct 2003 09:38:22 +0100

Is has to be Jane by a long way! If Camden is included, I'm only on 7
(Paula is now 2 behind me!)

BTW: Spoke to the girl in the spangly dress who danced on stage at
Manchester. She is a gatherer, but couldn't remember what she calls herself
on this list, and as I'm rubbish with names, I can't remember her proper
name either!


                    Sent by:               To:     Gathering@misera.net                                              
                    gathering-admin@       cc:                                                                       
                    misera.net             Subject:     [kj] O/Tish Who's winning?                                   
                    07/10/2003 16:57                                                                                 
                    Please respond                                                                                   
                    to gathering                                                                                     

  So who is winning the most KJ gigs seen?
   By my reckoning it's gotta be Jane and Iain, am i wrong, can we tally up
yet? Do we wait till the end of the world tour?
    I reckon 2nd and 3rd place so far must be Mik n Paula, with Antoni not
far behind or possibly in front.

  Answers on a postcard please.

   Jel....lagging with 1 gig so far.....but 2 come Saturday...cant wait.


Mik Raven
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