[kj] [ot]Those pics

Rob Moss gathering@misera.net
Sat, 31 May 2003 14:10:34 -0700 (PDT)

Your last point is so true.

When are the English going to be allowed to be English again?
I mean, the English have made some terrible mistakes in the past (e.g. Graham Taylor, Margaret Thatcher) but it's about time we could celebrate all those great English pastimes like killing Scottish people. And Morris dancing. Without feeling shame.

(actually though I like the jocks but don't tell the Welsh that will you?)

--- "J.Paul Owens" <john_paul_owens@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Scotland is part Britain.
>>Never let the jocks forget that ;-)
>Well maybe we should have UK football team. That would either allow me to 
>cheer on Beckham or force you to watch Barry Ferguson. Still we have our own 
>Parliament we is more than the English have managed. Yup, Scots MP's can 
>vote on English issues but not vice-versa.
>Och aye, truly it is hard to live under the English 'rule'.
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